Flagstaff YOUTH CO-OP
Flagstaff Youth Co-Op is a place where middle school and high school students from 4 different church communities unite!
We will enjoy snacks, music, games, and hear about the life and love of Jesus. We are a group of leaders and students forming friendships and living life together. It's a place where any middle school and high school student is welcome to come and hear how known, wanted, and loved they are. We will consistently share the good news God’s love, discuss how to navigate life and relationships, and together chase the fullness of life. For more info email us here.
Kick off event is at Flag Tag on Sunday, January 19th at 6pm. RSVP to flagyouthcoop@gmail.com
MEAL VOLUNTEERS - If you are interested in volunteering to provide a meal at one of our youth group times please sign up HERE.